You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Sales Territory > Displaying the Sales Territory Inquiry Screen
Displaying the Sales Territory Inquiry Screen

To perform sales territory inquiries:


Micronet displays the Sales Territory Selection screen.

  1. Select an existing sales territory.

If you have more than one screen of sales territories, you can use a partial key search. For more information, refer to "Using Partial Key Searches".


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

Once you have selected a sales territory on the Sales Territory Selection screen, you can press the F11 hotkey to display a sales territory summary. More information about this summary is provided below.

Select the Exit button when you have finished.

  1. Optionally, select to sort the list of sales territories using the options under the SORT menu.

You can sort territories by ID or description.

  1. Alternatively, escape the Sales Territory Selection screen and enter the ID of an existing sales territory.

Micronet displays the Sales Territory Inquiry screen with the details of the sales territory you selected.

This screen displays the following details:





Sales Territory

The sales territory ID.



The name of the sales territory.


Cost of Sales

The cost of sales of all items sold in the sales territory per month for the last 12 months.



The value of all sales in the sales territory per month for the last 12 months.



The gross profit for all sales in the sales territory per month for the last 12 months.


Cost of Sale MTD

The current month's cost of sales to date for all sales in the sales territory.


Sales MTD

The current month's sales value to date for all sales in the sales territory.



The current month's gross profit for all sales in the sales territory.


Cost of Sale YTD

The current year's cost of sales to date for all sales in the sales territory.


Sales YTD

The current year's sales value to date for all sales in the sales territory.



The current year's gross profit for all sales in the sales territory.

  1. Optionally, press the F11 hotkey to display a sales territory summary.

Sales Territory Summary

Select the Exit button when you have finished.

  1. The Sales Territory Inquiry screen also provides two menu options under the INQUIRY menu, allowing you to perform different types of inquiries on sales territories in Micronet. If required, you can further inquire on: